We have been nominated for the 2020 Happening List by Montco Happening!
We need your support - please consider voting for our firm: Category: Services: Graphic Design
Sugar Lane Graphics, LLC - Jaime Zucker (Huntingdon Valley)
Here's the link:
Details from montco.happeningmag.com:
The 2020 Happening List® – Montgomery County’s biggest people’s choice competition is back and bigger than ever! It’s time to recognize the amazing people, organizations, events & businesses that make living in Montco special.
Happenings Media will announce the results in Spring 2020, with our annual celebratory Red Carpet Bash to follow!
January 2nd: Nominations open
January 13th: Voting opens
February 17th: Voting “goes blind,” nominations close
February 28th: Voting closes