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  • Writer's pictureJaime A. Zucker

Expand the Reach of Your Content with Hashtags

Social Media channels are an important addition to your marketing and business development strategy. Read more to learn about what hashtags are and why your brand should be using them.

What is a hashtag?

A hashtag is a word or phrase preceded by a hash mark (#), used within a message to identify a keyword or topic of interest and facilitate a search for it on social media channels, blogs, and websites. (source:

What is metadata?

Metadata is higher-level data that describes data set as "tags in a programming code". Search engines use content and HTML metadata to index websites. (source:

Why is a hashtag important?

A hashtag is used on social media sites to makes it easier to find information about specific content. Hashtags encourage users to explore content that catches their eye. They assist in reaching a target audience and help filter information while expanding their audiences on various platforms.

How many hashtags should you use per post or story?

  • Twitter: no more than 2 per tweet

  • Instagram: no more than 30 hashtags per post and 10 hashtags per story

  • Facebook: no more than 4 hashtags per post

  • TikTok: no more than 33 hashtags per post

Tips for finding and using the most relevant hashtags for your brand:

  • Research what is trending in your industry

  • Find out the best keywords to market your brand

  • Subscribe to websites that offer hourly statistics for trending hashtags

  • Use hashtags that make your content discovered

  • You don't need to use all of your hashtags in every post

  • Study your competitors

  • Top influencers and brands create the best hashtags

  • Help your messages reach beyond your existing followers

If you need help figuring out the best hashtags for your non-profit, corporate, lifestyle and/or social brand, direct message me here!


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