Below are top leader's suggestions and words of advice to step up your virtual speaking for monetization.
Be authentic to yourself
Be honest
Be different because “different is better than better”
Try standing to command your space
Think about your backdrop and/or background
Have a personality
Have speaker support for technology and to monitor the comments/chat
Use virtual presentations but try not to have too many colors, sounds, or transitions
Make sure you have good lighting
Make sure you have good audio
Do not lack energy
Be prepared and do not wing it!
Be consistent for different platforms
Offer impact with activities, polls, videos, breakout rooms, props, dress-up, and themes
Create unique experiences
Don’t allow others facial expressions to lead you
Be ready for 1 or 100 people
Have back up plans for an issues that arise
Be confident
Use tools like registration for control and to prescreen
Plan transitions from topic to topic
Always practice your pace and timing
Engage with audience by asking questions
Be present and pay attention
Do not be generic or basic
Show your audience, do not just tell them
Ask your audience to change their “name” to connect for a 1-to-1 experience
Configure your Wifi to the most optimal level
Offer give-a-ways to participants
Follow-up with notes, downloads, thank yous, and/or gifts
Market to your virtual stage
Collaborate with colleagues
Host a short “Lunch and Learn” with family, friends, and/or colleagues to practice
Host a Q&A after your virtual event to connect with your audience
Make sure you know what your story and message are
Record all presentations (with permission)
Create demo and highlight reels from recordings
Invite current clients to your speaking engagement
Be active on numerous platforms so everyone can see your voice before they pay for your event
Do not turn down free speaking engagements because you can make money selling your products and services